College of Education for Pure Sciences Begins the Final Practical Exams for the Academic Year 2020-2021

College of Education for Pure Sciences Begins the Final Practical Exams for the Academic Year 2020-2021

      Under the supervision of the respected Dean for the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Professor Dr. Hamida Idan Salman, the practical exam was conducted for the students of the primary study and for both morning and evening studies for all departments (life sciences, mathematics, chemistry, and physics). The Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Hamida Aidan, indicated that the college endeavored to provide and create the appropriate atmosphere for students for the purpose of performing exams smoothly, and all exam halls were equipped with sterilizers and masks while maintaining the distance between students for the purpose of avoiding infection with the Corona virus. For his part, the Dean was briefed on the course of the examination process in all the examination halls and talked with the students about the problems they might face and endeavored to overcome the obstacles. The Dean wishes success to all our dear students.

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