College of Education for Pure Sciences Discusses a Master’s Thesis Entitled (A Comparative Study for Calculating the Respiratory Area and Calculating the Ratios of Red and White Muscles in Three Types of Local Bony Fish)

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis

The Department of biology at the College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Karbala was discussed a master’s thesis  under the tittle (a comparative study for calculating the respiratory area and calculating the proportions of red and white muscles in three types of local bony fish), by the student (Kazim Fakher Makki), and under the supervision of a Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Wissam Al-Muhanna. The thesis aimed to determine the differences in the factors controlling the motor activity of the three types of fish studied by: the phenotypic characteristics of gills by studying the numbers and rates of lengths of gills, numbers and area of ​​secondary gill plates per one millimeter, and knowing the values ​​of rates The surface area of ​​the gills by knowing the absolute area of ​​the gills (mm2) and the relative (mm 2 / g), knowing some of the histological characteristics of the white and red muscles, represented by studying the proportions of white and red muscle fibers in different areas of the body and their relationship to the respiratory area, adding new academic information that contributes to adding Scientific information for future histological, anatomical and functional studies such as respiratory metabolism, level and efficiency of breathing and its relationship to motor activity affecting swimming and nutrition.

The study concluded that the factor of the total length of the gills (L) is one of the most important factors affecting the absolute gill area values ​​(mm 2), while the weight factor had a direct and inverse relationship on the relative gill area values ​​(mm 2 / g). Linen fish and regular carp were counted. The carp are within the group of fish with intermediate motor activity, depending on the average length of the gill filaments. The study also showed that the percentages of red muscles were less than those of white muscles, and their percentage increased by increasing the lengths of fish and towards the back of the body in all the three studied species, and the percentage of red muscles increased in posterior region of the body (caudal peduncle); It is due to the importance of this area in the mechanics of movement and swimming in fish. The discussion resulted in several recommendations, including:

Conducting comparative studies to determine the values ​​of the respiratory area for local fish species in fresh and salt water environments, conducting comparative studies to determine the values ​​of the respiratory area and muscle fiber diameters when rearing in floating cages or in muddy ponds (lakes), conducting comparative histological studies to know the effect of chemical pollutants on the values ​​of Respiratory area of ​​gills in local fish species, conducting comparative studies to estimate the chemical components in the muscles of local bony fish using natural food in rivers and on feed manufactured in breeding ponds, conducting comparative anatomical studies of red and white muscles to determine the blood supply of some cellular organelles such as myofibrils and mitochondria in fish species local. The student received an honors grade.

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