A teacher from the College of Education for Pure Sciences publishes a scientific article on radiotherapy

scientific article

The lecturer in the College of Education for Pure Sciences / Department of Physics, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Hameed Al-Baghdadi, obtained an acceptance to publish a scientific article tagged (Radiation Therapy) by the Committee of Scientific Articles at the Presidency of the University of Karbala after the article fulfilled all the conditions of publication. Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Al-Baghdadi stated that the term “radiotherapy” is used to use beams of radiation directed at a specific area of ​​the patient’s body for treatment. Where radiation beams of high energy are issued from an external source and directed to a small area of ​​the patient’s body. There is also another type of treatment called “brachytherapy” in which a radioactive substance is placed inside the patient’s body.

Radiation therapy is used to destroy the affected cells by destroying the genetic genes that control the cell’s activities in terms of its growth and division. The process of damaging the affected cells is accompanied by damage to the healthy cells as well. The purpose of radiation therapy is to destroy as little as possible of healthy cells, so that the healthy cells can then repair the damage caused by radiation. One of the methods used to treat cancer is radiation therapy, in which beams of energy are used focused on a small area to destroy the cancer cells. X-rays, protons, and other types of high energies are what are used when using radiation therapy

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