Two teachers from the College of Education for Pure Sciences publish a scientific article on the cellular immune response to the Toxoplasma parasite Immune Response Cellular

scientific article

The two instructors in the College of Education for Pure Sciences / Prof. Dr.(Kawthar Abdul-Hussein Mahdi) from the Department of Life Sciences, and the Assistant Lecturer (Anaam Joudeh Radi) from the Department of Chemistry, obtained acceptance to publish a scientific article tagged with the title (Immune Response Cellular to the Toxoplasma Parasite) from Before the committee of scientific articles at the presidency of Karbala University, after the article fulfills all the conditions of publication The two teachers mentioned that cellular immunity is the main mechanism responsible for parasite resistance, as it plays an effective role in cystic parasites, and both helper T cells that are distinguished by their name CD4 (CD4 + cells) and the cytotoxic T cells characterized by their name CD8 (CD8 + cells) ((() Scorza et al .. The last cell (CD8 + lymphocytes) is an important cellular immune component in controlling toxoplasmosis, whose response is regulated by the cell (Lutjen et al. (CD4 +)). The cellular immune response is affected by several factors, including the parasite’s strain, the type of infection, and the method of infection with the parasite, whether it is tissue cysts or mature egg sacs. After entering the rapidly proliferative phase into the macrophage and invading the cell (a process independent of host immunity), the parasite covers itself with an extracellular protein layer called Lamenx, and this layer interacts with the surface phagocyte receptor and inhibits the phagocytosis process.

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