The Department of Biology Discusses a Master’s Thesis on a Comparative Study of the Aqueous and Alcoholic Extract of Cloves with Plant Growth Regulators Against Some Toxin-Producing Fungi

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis The Department of biology discussed the Master’s thesis for student (Mona Jaber Nehme) under the supervision of (Prof. Dr. Ban Musa Hassan Al-Zubaidi) for her…

The Department of Chemistry Holds a Panel Discussion on Synthesis, Characterization and Adsorption Studies of New Polymeric Composites

Panel Discussion Within the series of scientific activities in the scientific departments and urging students, specifically (graduate students) to scientific interaction and continuous activity, the Department of Chemistry held a…

A Lecturer from the Department of Mathematics Participates in a Workshop Held by the Iraqi Mathematical Society in Cooperation with the University of Al-Qadisiyah

Workshop The Lecturer (Prof. Dr. Riyadh Delfi Ali) from the Department of Mathematics participated in a workshop held by the Iraqi Mathematical Society in cooperation with two departments of mathematics…

Announcement of ……… An in Attendance Training Course Entitled (the Importance of Nutrients and their Role in Plant Growth and Diagnosis of Deficiency Symptoms)

Training Course The College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the holding of an attendance training course entitled (the importance of nutrients and their role in plant growth and diagnosis…

Higher Education sets 11/2022 as the date for launching the electronic objection form

Higher Education Announces the Results of the Central Admission and the Acceptance of more than Two Hundred Thousand Students in Universities

Announcing the Results of the Central Admission in Universities The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the acceptance of two hundred and five thousand four hundred and eighty-six…

The Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences Participates in the Tenth Meeting of the Deans’ Committee in the Colleges of Education of Iraqi Universities

Meeting of the Deans’ Committee in the Faculties of Education for Iraqi Universities The Honorable Mrs. Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof.Dr. Hamida Idan Salman attended…

Two Lecturers from the Department of Biology Participate as a Member of the Comprehensive Examination Committee at the College of Science / University of Kufa

Scientific Post The two lecturers in the Department of Biology (Prof.Dr. Yasmine Khudair Khalaf) and (Prof. Dr. Zainab Nizar Jawad) participated as members of the Comprehensive Examination Committee for Ph.D.…

A Lecturer from the Department of Biological Sciences Receives a Letter of Thanks and Appreciation from the President of Al-Zahra University (may the blessings and peace be upon her)

Thanks and Appreciation The educational staff in the Department of biology (Prof. Dr. Yasmine Khudair Khalaf) received a letter of thanks and appreciation from the President of Al-Zahra University (may…

The Registration Division at the College of Education for Pure Sciences Participates in the Workshop on the Working Mechanism of the Unified form of Student Graduation Documents

Workshop The Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs (Prof. Dr. Hossam Abdel Ali Muhammad), the Director of Registration (Asst. Dr. Ghassan Adnan Qahtan), and Mrs. Donia Hakim Hammoud participated in a…