The Department of Biology Sciences is discussing a doctoral thesis entitled (Evaluation of the effect of Marasmius palmivorus and Moringa oliefera leaf extract on the synthesis of aerosterol in Trichophyton rubrum)

Discussing a PhD thesis

The Department of Biology Sciences at the College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Karbala discussed a doctoral thesis tagged (Evaluation of the effect of Marasmius palmivorus and Moringa oliefera leaf extract on the synthesis of air sterols in the dermatophyte fungus (Trichophyton rubrum), by the student (Nadia Nayef Hussein) on Thursday 17th / 12/2020, and the discussion room for postgraduate studies of the Department of Life Sciences, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ban Taha Muhammad and Prof. Dr. Jawad Kazem Al-Janabi, and the aim of the study was to study the spread of fungal infections and diagnose their causes using traditional methods and techniques of polymerase chain reaction and the effect of The alcoholic and aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera plant and the fungus fungus Marasmius plamivorus on the growth of the fungi Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum canis, as well as the effect of the filtrate of the fungus bayzidi on the gene expression of T. rubrum. The study concluded that ringworm includes 7 types: Tinea corporis and Ringworm. capitis, Tinea pedis, Tinea manuum, Tinea unguium, Tinea faciei, and Tinea cruris were all distributed among the males. Male and female ringworm, and for different age groups, was the highest percentage of body ringworm among other clinical cases, as its percentage in females was 25.32% and in males 15.58%. As for ringworm of hair, its percentage in females was 5.19% and in males 10.38. Athlete’s foot, ringworm, nail ringworm, facial ringworm, and ringworm were found in females and were 7.79, 6.49, 5.19, 3.89 and 3.24%, respectively, and in males: 1.29, 5.19, 3.89, 5.19 and 1.29, respectively. That is, the infection was highest in females with the exception of ringworm of hair and ringworm, which was higher in males than females, and the results of the study showed that the percentage of samples in which the genus Trichophyton was 54.66%, followed by the genus Microsporum by 37.33%, and the lowest appearance was the genus Epidermophyton, at 8%. The results of the current study showed that the genetic tree of the three genera, and after the PCR examination, the results of the examination were sent to the genebank site to confirm the type of fungus by comparing it with the fungi registered on this site and using the (MEGA 6.0, multiple alignment analysis tool) program for genera, and the discussion emerged in several Recommendations including: Conducting health awareness and guidance for people who own pets and have contact with them, detect infected animals to prevent the transmission of pathogens from animals to humans, adhere to personal hygiene, especially areas exposed to moisture in the body and urge not to use common tools that have the reason for transmitting the causative agent. Patients, such as clothing, especially in contact with the skin, studying the chemical compounds active in M. palmivorus and Moringa plants and their effect against dermatophytes, studying the gene expression of Moringa plant and M. palmivorus extracts used against dermatophytes, extracting and identifying chemical compounds extracted from the Moringa plant and M. palmivorus, and knowing which effect has an effect on inhibiting the growth of fungal pathogens The discussion was attended by the Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Hamida Idan Salman the respected. The thesis was accepted by the discussion committee.