A teacher from the College of Education for Pure Sciences publishes a scientific article on the toxic effects of Aflatoxins

scientific article

The teacher at the College of Education for Pure Sciences / Department of Biology Sciences, the teacher (entidhar Jabbar Muhammad), obtained the acceptance of publishing a scientific article tagged (The Toxic Effects of Aflatoxins) by the Committee of Scientific Articles at the Presidency of the University of Karbala, after the article fulfilled all the publishing conditions . (M.D.entidhar Jabbar Muhammad) stated that aflatoxins have received great attention among the mycotoxins groups due to their effective effect on human and animal health, as well as “they are among the most prevalent mycotoxins. Aflatoxins are considered acute and chronic mycotoxicosis acute and chronic, as acute leads to poisoning of some organs, especially the liver, and then a pathological condition or death follows, while chronic leads to the formation of cancerous tumors and a weakening of the immune system. Cancer cases are among the most dangerous pathological effects caused by efla toxins. The World Agency for Research on Cancer stated that efla toxin ranks first among human carcinogens, as this effect was discovered during epidemiological studies conducted in some regions of Asia and Africa, and a significant correlation was observed between recorded cancer cases. In human and food contents of efla toxins. Numerous studies have confirmed that exposure of humans and their animals to Afla toxins leads to serious disease events, including swelling of the reproductive organs, abortion, hemorrhage, general weakness with deformities in the skeleton as well as their toxic effects on animals such as reduced productivity and increased infection with viral and bacterial diseases as a result of weakness or organ breakdown Immunity, for example in western India in 1974, aflatoxin caused the death of 100 Indian people, which was attributed to hepatotoxin poisoning resulting from daily ingestion of the toxin present in yellow corn. Genetically speaking, these toxins have effects at the molecular level, as it was found that Afla toxins are responsible for teratogens and genetic mutations (Mutagens), by inhibiting the structure of DNA as well as inhibiting the synthesis of RNA, as well as for toxic effects. On cloning amino genes and then inhibiting protein formation.

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