A teacher from the College of Education for Pure Sciences publishes a scientific article on the hormone Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

scientific article

The teacher at the College of Education for Pure Sciences / Department of Biology Sciences, teacher (Batoul Abbas Hussain), obtained an acceptance to publish a scientific article tagged (Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) by the Committee of Scientific Articles at the Presidency of the University of Karbala, after the article fulfilled all the publishing conditions. Dr. Batoul Abbas Hussain mentioned that dehydroepiandrosterone or (DHEA) is the most abundant steroid hormone in the human body and is called the anti-aging hormone or youth hormone because it works to delay the aging process. From 19 carbon atoms made by body tissues, as it is mainly excreted from the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex and is also produced less by the brain and gonads as it is derived from cholesterol as a precursor hormone. It can be manufactured in the laboratory from chemicals found in soybeans Yam and soy products, while the human body is unable to synthesize it from the same substances, and also eating these substances does not lead to an increase in hormone levels. Aging and DHEA is used as a dietary supplement on a large scale without a prescription for anti-aging. Steroid hormones are produced from the adrenal cortex. The adrenal gland is located above the kidney, 5 cm in length, 1 cm in width and 4 g in weight. It is pyramidal in shape and is histologically composed of three distinct regions starting from The outer surface toward the pulp: the granular region Zona glomerulus, which is responsible for secreting the meniral mineralocortecoid, such as the hormone aldosterone, and the second region is the Zona fasculata, which produces glucocorticoids such as Cortisol, and the Zona retecularis, which produces the hormone DHEA.

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