The Department of Life Sciences, College of Education for Pure Sciences, completes the comprehensive written and oral examination procedures and discusses the research plan

The Department of Life Sciences, College of Education for Pure Sciences, completes the comprehensive written and oral examination procedures and discusses the research plan

With the help of God Almighty, the comprehensive examination was conducted in the Department of Life Sciences at the College of Education for Pure Sciences for PhD students in its two branches (Plant and Animal) and the membership of the Comprehensive Written Examination Committee for days 8-11-14-18-21 / November of 2020 and the Oral Examination Committee on 11 / 23 of 2020. The formed committees were assigned to conduct the examination at the time specified for them and according to the administrative order for each student to discuss the students plans for the research year for the purpose of preparing the doctoral thesis in a scientific and accurate manner.
The research plan for doctoral students was supervised by a number of professors from the College of Education for Pure Sciences and professors from different faculties, where scientific observations and questions were made and some points were clarified, as well as listening to the student and his defense and clarifications on his research plan. The members of the discussion committee were also instructed for doctoral students to make some minor amendments, after which all research plans were approved by the committees formed for each student.