A Professor from the College of Education for Pure Sciences Obtains a Publication for her Research in Scopus Containers

Publishing a Research Paper Prof. Dr. Kawthar Abdul-Hussein, a Professor at  the Department of biology at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, published a  research paper titled (Levels of…

A Professor from College of Education for Pure Sciences Gets a Publication for her Research in an International Journal

Research’s Publication Prof.Dr. Kawthar Abdul-Hussein Mahdi, a professor in  Department of biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences, obtained a publication for her tagged research (the effect of silver and…

A Professor from the College of Education for Pure Sciences Gets a Publication for her Research in Scopus

Research’s Publishing  Prof. Dr. Kawthar Abdul-Hussein, a lecturer in the Department of Life Sciences, College of Education for Pure Sciences, has published her research which is titled (Toxic effects of…

A Professor from the College of Education for Pure Sciences Obtains Publication for his Research in one of the Dependable Scientific Journals

Publish a Research Assist. Prof. Dr. Riyad Delfi Ali, a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, has published his research under the…

An Academic Lecturer in College of Education for Pure Sciences Publishes a Research Paper in one of the Scopus Magazines

Research Publication Assist. Prof. Dr. Bassim Karim Khudair, a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics in the College of Education for Pure Sciences, gains a publication for his research, which…

A Lecturer in College of Education for Pure Sciences Receives Publication of his Research in a Global Journal

Publication a Research’s Paper Assist. Prof. Dr.  Basim Karim Khudair, an academic lecturer in the Department of Mathematics in the College of Education for Pure Sciences, got an application for…

A lecturer, in the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Receives Publication of his Research in one of the International Journals

Publishing a Scientific Research An academic lecturer, Assist. Prof. Dr. Basem Kareem Khudair, in the Department of Mathematics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, got a publication for…

An Academic professor from the College of Education for Pure Sciences Obtains a Publication for her Research in one of the Journals Included in the Scopus Containers.

 Research Publishing Assist. Prof. Dr. Ashwaq Kazwm Obeid, an academic lecturer at the Department of Biology / College of Education for Pure Sciences, got publishing for her research which is…

An academic professor at the College of Education for Pure Sciences Gets Publishing for his Research within Scopus.

Research Publishing Assist. Prof. Dr. Alla Hussein Mahdi, an academic lecturer in the Department of biology/ College of Education for Pure Sciences, got publishing for his research which is entitled…

A teacher from the College of Education for Pure Sciences gets a publication of her research in an international scientific journal within scopus

Publish a scientific research (Mr. Shatha Abdul-Amir Jawad), a teaching assistant in the Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, obtained a publication for her research…