The Department of Physics organizes an educational symposium on harassment, its causes and effects

Scientific Symposium The Department of Physics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences organized an educational symposium on (Harassment, its causes, effects, and methods of treatment), delivered by the…

A Lecturer Position from the Department of Biology was Selected as a scientific resident in a Scientific Journal Affiliated with the World Health Organization

Scientific Resident The World Health Organization announced the selection of lecturer Professor Dr. Yasmine Khudair Khalaf from the Department of Biology at the College of Education for Pure Sciences as…

Announcement………An in-person educational seminar entitled (Harassment: Its Causes and Methods of Treatment)

Educational Seminar The College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the holding of an in-person educational symposium entitled (Harassment, its Causes, and Methods of Treatment), on Sunday, January 28, 2024,…


Workshop The Department of Mathematics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences organized an in-person workshop on (Expressing a Documentary Clip in English) delivered by: Assistant Lecturer (Amani Abdel…

Announcement………an in-person training course entitled (The Role of Education in Combating Extremist Ideas and Violent Terrorism)

Training Course The College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the holding of an in-person training course entitled (The Role of Education in Combating Extremist Ideas and Violent Terrorism), on…

Announcement………an in-person workshop entitled (Expressing a Documentary Clip in English)

Workshop The College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the holding of an in-person workshop entitled (Expressing a Documentary Clip in English), on Monday, January 8, 2024, at ten o’clock…

The College of Education for Pure Sciences holds a training course on laboratory signs

Training course The Chemistry Department at the College of Education for Pure Sciences held a training course on (Indicative and Warning Signs for Chemical Substances (MSDS) in Chemistry Laboratories) delivered…

The College of Education for Pure Sciences holds a training course on training workers to manage GLP in laboratories

Training Course The Department of Physics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences held a training course on (training workers to manage GLP in laboratories and how to advance…

The College of Education for Pure Sciences hosts a workshop on the mechanism for identifying companies that support the Israeli entity

Workshop The Department of Media and Government Communication at the Presidency of the University of Karbala, in cooperation with the Division of Continuing Education and the College of Education for…

Announcement…………An in-person Training Course Entitled (Using Microcontrollers in Mechanical Laboratories)

Training Course The College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the holding of an in-person training course entitled (Using Microcontrollers in Mechanical Laboratories), on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, 19-20-21\11\2023 at…