Karbala University Occupies Advanced Positions in Six International Rankings

Karbala University Occupies Positions in Six International Rankings With the help of God Almighty and with continuous follow-up and with strenuous efforts by the classification committees, the University of Karbala…

A Study in the College of Education for Pure Sciences Discusses the Spectroscopic and Chromatographic Determination of the Reversible Phase of Sitagliptin and Metformin in the Pure State and in Pharmaceutical Preparations.

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis The Department of Chemistry, College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Karbala, discussed the master’s thesis tagged (spectral and chromatographic determination – the…

Announcement…… A Training Course Entitled (How to Measure Chlorophyll in Plant Samples)

Training Course The College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the holding of a training course entitled (How to measure chlorophyll in plant samples), on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 1-2-3/11/2021…

Students of the Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences hold an awareness brochure entitled (Environmental Pollution and the Effect of Chemical Pesticides)

Awareness Brochure A group of students from the Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences held an awareness brochure entitled (Environmental Pollution and the Effect of…

College of Education for Pure Sciences Organizes a training course on the implementation of procedural methods and Good Laboratory Standards (GLP)

Training Course The Department of Life Sciences at the College of Education for Pure Sciences \ University of Karbala organized a training course on the implementation of procedural methods and…

A study at the College of Education for Pure Sciences discusses the relationship between pregnancy and thyroid hormones in pregnant women

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis The Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Karbala discussed the master’s thesis entitled (The Relationship Between Pregnancy…

A Professor from the College of Education for Pure Sciences Participates in a Committee to Discuss a Doctoral Thesis at the University of Babylon

PhD Dissertation Discussion Proceeding from the principle of scientific cooperation and exchange of experiences between Iraqi universities, the teaching professor at the Department of Mathematics at the College of Education…

A Panel Discussion at the College of Education for Pure Sciences on (University Uniform, Study in Cultural Ecology)

Panel Discussion The Mathematics Department of the College of Education for Pure Sciences/University of Karbala held a panel discussion under the title (University Uniform, Study in Cultural Ecology), delivered by…

The Ministry of Higher Education extends the Application to the Central Admission form for the Academic Year 2021-2022

Extension of the Application to the Central Admission Form The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the extension of the time limit for electronic submission to the central…

Head of the Department of Physics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences Chairs a Committee to Discuss a Master’s Thesis at the University of Basra

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis Based on the principle of scientific cooperation and exchange of experiences between Iraqi universities, Prof. Ali Hussein Abdel-Razzaq, Head of the Physics Department, College of…