A Lecturer from the Department of Biology Participates as a Member of the Discussion Committee for a Master’s Thesis at the University of Babylon

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis

Prof. Dr. Kawthar Abdul-Hussein Mahdi, a teaching assistant in the Department of Biological Sciences, participated in a committee to discuss the master’s thesis for student (Wood Alwan Kazem) from the Department of Biological Sciences / College of Science for Girls / the University of Babylon about her thesis tagged (the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis among patients with beta-thalassemia major). in the province of Babylon). The discussion committee consisted of the teachers:
Mr. Dr. Hadi Madlool Mayali. College of Education, University of Al-Qadisiyah. president
Prof. Kawthar Abdul-Hussein Mahdi, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Karbala. member
A.M.D. Raed Abbas Kazem, College of Science for Girls, University of Babylon. member
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Khudair Obes, College of Science for Girls, University of Babylon. supervisor
After extensive public discussion and listening to the student’s defense of her thesis, her method of research, and her use of scientific references, the thesis was approved with honors. Congratulations to the student, her supervisor, and the College of Science for Girls/Babylon University for this achievement, and God Almighty grants success and payment.