The Department of Chemistry discusses a master’s thesis on The Study of Thyroid and Parathyroid Hormones Among Patients with AKI and CKD

Publish a scientific research

The lecturer at the Department of Life Sciences (Prof. Liqaa Hassoun Sakban) published a paper entitled (Toxic effect of the alcoholic extract of the tuber of the dear love plant on cells ex vivo (MCF-7) human breast cancer), which was published in (Indian Journal) of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology)
The research was summarized by studying the cytotoxicity of the crude aqueous and alcoholic extract of the tuber of chervil in human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) by using six half concentrations (31.25,62.5,125,250,500,1000) μg/ml using the MTT test method.

The Department of Chemistry discusses a master’s thesis on The Study of Thyroid and Parathyroid Hormones Among Patients with AKI and CKD

Discussion of a master’s thesis

The Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences discussed the master’s thesis for the student (Sajjad Ahmed Kazem) about his tagged thesis entitled (The Study of Thyroid and Parathyroid Hormones Among Patients with AKI and CKD). Under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. (Rehab Jassim Muhammad). The aim of the study was:
1- Estimation of thyroid hormones T4, T3, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) for kidney patients.
2-Estimation of parathyroid hormones for patients with acute kidney injury and patients with chronic kidney disease.
3-Estimation and study of phosphorous and blood calcium levels in AKI and CKD patients.
4- Finding a correlation between kidney patients and thyroid and parathyroid hormones.
As for the most prominent conclusions:
1- Hypothyroidism and parathyroid disorders are common in kidney patients, especially in end-stage kidney disease.
2- Hyperparathyroidism is positively associated with age in renal patients, especially in patients undergoing dialysis treatment.
3- Conduct periodic examinations of thyroid gland functions for kidney patients.
After extensive scientific discussion and listening to the student’s defense of his message, his method of research, and his use of sources and references, the thesis was approved with honors. Congratulations to the student, his supervisor, the Department of Chemistry, and the College of Education for Pure Sciences for this great achievement, and God Almighty grants success.