A Scientific Delegation from Al-Zahra University, Peace be upon her for Girls, Visits the Mathematics Department of the College of Education for Pure Sciences

Visit of a Scientific Delegation

A delegation from Al-Zahra University, peace be upon her, visited the College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Karbala. The delegation consisted of the Associate Dean of Science (Dr. Dr. Muhammad Al-Mamouri) and the Head of the Mathematics Department (Dr. Dr. Saba Nizar Faisal), in order to discuss the mechanism of cooperation To hold the second mathematics festival, which will be held in cooperation between the two universities. A meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Professor (Amjad Hamid Al-Husseini) and in the presence of the visiting delegation from Al-Zahra University (may the blessings and peace be upon her). The meeting resulted in the preparation of a number of points that were agreed upon between the two parties.
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