A Professor from the College of Education for Pure Sciences Publishes a Scientific Article on the Removal of Ovaries and its Effect on Female Hormones

A Scientific Article

The academic staff in the College of Education for Pure Sciences/Department of biology, Professor Dr. (Ashwaq Kazem Obaid) has accepted the publication of a scientific article entitled (Removal of the ovaries and its effect on female hormones) by the Scientific Articles Committee at the Presidency of Karbala University after the fulfillment all publication conditions. Prof. Dr. Ashwaq Kazem Obaid stated that Ovariectomized (OVX) removal operations lead to a condition called surgical (artificial) menopause as a result of an imbalance in the concentration level of the hormones estrogen and progesterone as a result of several medical interventions. A woman’s reaching menopause leads to early menopause symptoms, and the same thing happens if the ovaries are damaged as a result of exposure to radiation, treatment with anti-cancer drugs, or some chemotherapy. The operation to remove the ovaries leads to a decrease in the concentration of estrogen and loss of the menstrual cycle, which in turn leads to an increase in the levels of hormones that nourish the gonads in the blood as a result of negative feedback between the pituitary hormones and the ovary to produce steroid hormones. The low level of estrogen after the natural or surgical menopause in humans or created in laboratory animals is a risk factor in the development of breast cancer diseases, as well as it may be one of the factors causing diseases of the cardiovascular system, myocardial infarction, and other diseases such as osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Removal of the ovaries occurs for various reasons, which may be due to ovarian cancer, polycystic ovaries, the presence of an ovarian cyst, or breast cancer diseases. Several studies have indicated that the removal of the ovaries in animals leads to an imbalance in the metabolism of nutrients in the body, an increase in appetite, an increase in the weight of body mass and vital organs such as the liver, which leads to an overgrowth of fatty tissue, defects in bone metabolism and a state of fragility. orthopedic; The menopause stage is the most vulnerable and affects health. This stage includes symptoms such as hot flashes that occur in the mirror during this stage, which is believed to be (vasomotor episodes, night sweats, decreased vaginal secretions, insomnia, anxiety when sleeping, mood swings, and high rates of depression and problems in the genitourinary system, due to the disturbance in the levels of ovarian hormones.

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