Announcement………An In-person Scientific Workshop Entitled (Modern Family Challenges: How to Protect the Family and Strengthen its Cohesion in the Age of Changes)

Scientific Workshop The College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the holding of an in-person scientific workshop entitled (Modern Family Challenges: How to Protect the Family and Strengthen Its Cohesion…

The College of Education for Pure Sciences Offers its Condolences on the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib (May the Best Prayers and Peace be upon Them)

The Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences Follows up on the Progress of the Joint Exams Between the Department of Mathematics in the College of Education for Pure Sciences and Al-Zahra University (May God’s Prayers and Peace be upon them)

Successful Experience The respected Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan Salman, followed the progress of the joint examinations, which depend on the instructions…

Higher Education Organizes a Ramadan Campaign to Distribute Food Baskets to Students of Internal Departments at the Universities of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya.

Organizing a Ramadan Campaign to Distribute Food Baskets to Internal Department Students The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research organized a Ramadan campaign to distribute food baskets to students…

At a Meeting with the Russian Atomic Energy Enterprise .. Minister of Education Discusses Cooperation on Peaceful Uses of Energy, Scholarships and Scholarships

The Meeting of the Minister of Education with the Russian Atomic Energy Enterprise The minister of higher education and scientific research, the chairman of the Iraqi Atomic Energy Authority, Dr.…

During the International Forum (ATOMEXPO-2024) in Russia .. The Minister of Education Meets the Hungarian Foreign Minister and Agrees to Renew the Cooperation Agreement Between the Two Countries

 International Forum (ATOMEXPO-2024) in Russia The minister of higher education and scientific research, the chairman of the Iraqi Atomic Energy Authority, Dr. Naim al-Aboudi, met with the Foreign Minister of…

The Rehabilitation and Employment Division launches the plan for the Service Association for students and graduates of the University of Karbala

An Important Announcement The Division of Rehabilitation, Employment and Graduate Follow-up in the Presidency of the University of Karbala announces the launch of the electronic link for the Service Association…

The Council of the College of Education for Pure Sciences Holds its (Thirteenth) Session for the Academic Year 2023-2024, Headed by the Dean of the College.

College of Education Council Session for Pure Sciences (Thirteenth) for the Academic Year 2023-2024 The Council of the College of Education for Pure Sciences held its (thirteenth) session for the…

The Scientific Committee of the Mathematical Department at the College of Education at Al-Zahra University (Peace and Blessings be upon her) visits the Mathematics Department in the College of Education for Pure Sciences to see the mechanism for conducting joint exams between students of the two colleges

Scientific Visit Based on the principle of scientific and cognitive cooperation between academic bodies, the Scientific Committee of the Department of Mathematics in the College of Education of Al-Zahra University…

The President of the University of Karbala inspects the stages of work on the Siraj system for the electronic attendance of students in the College of Education for Pure Sciences

Inspection Tour The respected President of the University of Kerbala, Prof. Dr. (Bassem Khalil Nayel Al-Saidi), the respected Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Najm Abdul…