Department of Biology Announces the Schedule of Final Exams (Second Course) for Primary Students for the Academic Year 2023-2024

Important Announcement The Department of Life Sciences at the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences announces a schedule of final exams (second course) for primary students and the morning and…

The Minister of Higher Education Announces the Approval of Extension Years for Professors and Assistant Professors in Actual Job Service

Announcing the Approval of Extension Years for Professors and Assistant Professors for Actual Job Service In confirmation of our close follow-up of the details resulting from the decision of the…

Kerbala University Participates in the Ministry of Youth and Sports Exhibition for Scientific Innovations

Ministry of Youth and Sports Exhibition for Scientific Innovations The University of Kerbala participated in the Scientific Innovations Exhibition organized by the Scientific Welfare Department / Ministry of Youth and…

A teacher from the Department of Mathematics Participates as a member in the Scientific and Preparatory Committee for the Thirteenth International Scientific Conference of the Iraqi Mathematical Society

Scientific Participation The lecturer (Prof. Prof. Riyad Delfi Ali) from the Department of Mathematics participated as a member of the scientific and preparatory committee for the thirteenth international scientific conference…

The Department of Biology Organizes a Specialized Course on Knowing the Normal Levels of CBC and How to Prevent Blood Diseases

Training Course The Biology Department at the College of Education for Pure Sciences organized a training course on (Knowing the Normal Levels of CBC and How to Prevent Blood Diseases).…

Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences Attends the Final Debate Organized by the Division of Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up at the University of Kerbala

Scientific Debate The respected Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan Salman, attended the final debate organized by the Division of Rehabilitation, Employment and…

The Minister of Higher Education Receives an Official Invitation to Visit the Republic of Hungary and Confirms the Progress of Academic Cooperation and Global Partnerships

Official Invitation The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, received an official invitation from the Republic of Hungary to visit the capital, Budapest, and develop scientific…

Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences participates in the Sustainable Tourism Conference at the College of Tourism Sciences at the University of Karbala

Participation of the Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences in the Sustainable Tourism Conference at the College of Tourism Sciences The respected Dean of the College of…

Higher Education announces the availability of an Azerbaijani scholarship for non-employees

Announcement of the availability of an Azerbaijani scholarship for non-employees The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the availability of a scholarship at the Azerbaijan University (ADA) for…

Higher Education announces the names of applicants for the Indian Scholarship and their interview dates

Announcing the names of applicants for the Indian scholarship and the date of their interviews The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the names of applicants for the…