The Diwan Affairs Division begins cleaning and clearing the concrete floor of the college garden corridors

Cleaning and Clearing the Concrete Floor of the College Garden Corridors Under the supervision and follow-up of the respected Mrs. Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof.…

College of Education for Pure Sciences Holds a Workshop on Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Techniques

Workshop Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences held a workshop entitled (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Techniques), delivered by (Associate Eng. Muhammad Aboud Abbas) from the Ministry…

A Lecturer from the College of Education for Pure Sciences Chairs the Comprehensive Examination Committee at the University of Kufa

Participation in the Comprehensive Examination Committee at the University of Kufa Prof. Dr. Yasmine Khudhair Khalaf a lecturer in the Department of biology at the College of Education for Pure…

Announcement of the Materials for the Competitive Examination for Master’s Students in the Department of Chemistry for the Academic Year 2022-2023

Announcing the Materials for the Competitive Examination for Postgraduate Students To all students wishing to apply for postgraduate studies for the academic year 2022-2023 in the College of Education for…

Higher Education Discussed with a Delegation from the American Cultural Attache the Scientific and Cultural Cooperation Programs

Higher Education Discusses the Scientific and Cultural Cooperation Programs with a Delegation from the American Cultural  Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research discussed with a delegation from the American…

Department of Biology Organizes a Scientific trip for Third-Year Students to the International Warehouse Foundations

Scientific Trip Department of Biology in the College of Education for Pure Sciences/University of Karbala organized a scientific trip for third-stage students to the Al-Wareth International Foundation for the Treatment…

Minister of Higher Education discusses with the French Agency for Development the prospects for joint cooperation

The meeting of the Minister of Higher Education with the French Development Agency Horizons of joint cooperation The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kazem Abdel…

College of Education for Pure Sciences Organizes a Seminar on the Atomic and Electronic Structure of New Composite Materials Based on Carbon Nanotubes and Titanium Oxide

Panel Discussion Department of Physics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences organized a panel discussion entitled (Atomic and Electronic Structure of New Composite Materials Based on Carbon Nanotubes…

Announcement……… An Electronic Training Course Entitled (Scientific Applications of Mitochondrial DNA Extraction)

Training Course College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the establishment of an electronic training course entitled (Scientific Applications for Mitochondrial DNA Extraction), on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 8-9-10/2/2022 at…

Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences publishes a scientific article entitled (Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and COVId-19 infection)

Scientific Article Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan Salman, obtained an acceptance to publish a scientific article tagged with the title (Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)…