A Lecturer from the Department of Physics Participates as a Scientific Assessor for an International Journal

A Scientific Resident Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hamid Hussein, a lecturer in the Physics Department at the College of Education for Pure Sciences/University of Karbala, was elected as a scientific assessor…

A Lecturer from the College of Education for Pure Sciences Receives a Certificate of Participation from the Researchers and Academics Platform

Certificate of Participation Prof. Dr. (Ban Taha Muhammad) obtained a certificate of participation from the platform of researchers and academics during her participation in the scientific lecture tagged (educational supervision:…

A Lecturer from the Department of Biology Obtains a Certificate of Participation from the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority

Certificate of Participation Dr. Prof. Ban Taha Muhammad in the Department of biology at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, obtained a certificate of participation from the Scientific Supervision…

A Lecturer from the Department of Biology Participates in the First Scientific Conference to Discuss Scientific Research for Distinguished Students of Al-Waeli High School

Scientific Participation  The Education staff in the Department of biology, Prof. Dr. (Ban Taha Muhammad), participated in an invitation from Al-Waeli High School for the Distinguished in Babil Governorate, within…

A Lecturer from the College of Education for Pure Sciences Participates in the Ninth International Scientific Conference of the Iraqi Al-Khwarizmi Association

International Participation The Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Assistant Professor Dr. (Riyad Delfi Ali) participated in the presidency of the third…

The Head of the Physics Department participates as a Member of the Master’s Thesis Discussion Committee at the University of Basra

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis (Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Abdel Razzaq), Head of the Physics Department at the College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Karbala, participated in…

The Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs Receives a Certificate of Participation from the Researchers and Academics Platform

Certificate of Participation The Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. (Mohammed Nazim Al-Bayati) obtained a certificate of participation from the researchers and academics platform during his participation in the…

College of Education for Pure Sciences Announces the Names of Graduate Students Accepted within the Expansion for the Academic year 2021-2022

Very Important Announcement Referring to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, regarding the expansion of admission to postgraduate studies for the academic year 2021-2022 and their studies postponed…

The Physics Department Announces the Results of the First Course Exams for Students of the First Stage for the Academic Year 2021-2022 Electronically

Very Important Announcement Department of Physics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences announced the results of the students of the first stage (first course) for the academic year…

Department of Chemistry Announces the Results of the First Course Exams for Students of the First Stage for the Academic Year 2021-2022 Electronically

Very Important Announcement The Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences announced the results of the first stage students (first course) for the academic year 2021-2022…