A Lecturer from the Department of Biology Publishes a Scientific Research in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Publish a Scientific Research A lecturer in the Department of biology (Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdul-Hussain Karim Al-Daami) published a paper entitled (Isolation and Diagnosis of Fungal Isolates Producing Antimicrobial Agents…

Higher Education Decides to Count the Academic Year 2022/2021 as a Year of Non-Failure

Calculating the Academic Year 2022/2021 as a Year of Non-Failure To address the cases of students and enable them to fulfill the requirements of university studies, the Ministry of Higher…

Education Reassures Public Opinion about Pharmacy and Dentistry Degrees Awarded in Private Universities and Colleges

Pharmacy and Dentistry Degrees Awarded in Private Universities and Colleges Based on the scientific and legal powers granted under the legislation in force, the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority in…

Higher Education Extends the Application to the Central, Direct, Elite and First Admission Channels

Extending the Application to the Central, Direct, Elite and First Admission Channels The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the extension of the time limit for applying to…

The Department of Biology Discusses a Master’s Thesis

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis The Department of biology at the College of Education for Pure Sciences discussed the master’s thesis for student (Noor Majed Hussein Al-Shaabi) entitled (Evaluation of…

A Lecturer from the Department of Biology chairs a committee to discuss a master’s thesis at the University of Kufa

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis (Prof. Dr. Kawthar Abdul-Hussein Mahdi), a lecturer assistant in the Department of biology chaired the discussion committee for the master’s thesis for the student (Ruqiah…

A Lecturer from the Department of Mathematics Participates as a Member of the Master’s Thesis Discussion Committee at Dhi Qar University

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis Assistant Prof. Dr. (Riyad Delfi Ali) in the Department of Mathematics participated in the discussion committee for the master’s thesis of the student (Ali Karim…

A Lecturer from the Department of Biology Participates in the First International Conference of the National University of Science and Technology for Pure and Applied Sciences

International Participation Dr. Ayser Ashour Khalaf, an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of biology, participated in the first international conference of the National University of Science and Technology for Pure…

The Department of Chemistry Discusses a Master’s Thesis on a Study of Fertility Hormones in Women with Recurrent Miscarriages in Kerbala City

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis The Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences discussed the master’s thesis of the student (Aseel Ihsan Mahmoud) for her thesis…

The Speech of the Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences on the Occasion of the Start of the New Academic Year

Mrs. Dean’s Word My respected colleagues and colleagues from the educational staff… Dear college staff… My dear sons and daughters… Peace, mercy, and blessings of God We extend to our…