Announcement … … a scientific symposium entitled (International Scientific Publishing)

Scientific Symposium The College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the holding of a scientific symposium tagged (International Scientific Publishing), next Sunday, 2/14/2021, at nine o’clock in the evening on…

The College of Education for Pure Sciences organizes an electronic scientific symposium entitled (International Scientific Publishing)

Scientific Symposium The College of Education for Pure Sciences organized an electronic scientific symposium entitled (International Scientific Publication), presented by Prof. Nabil Abdel Hamid, College of Pharmacy / Kafr El-Sheikh…

Women Empowerment Committee at Karbala University holds a scientific symposium entitled (Empowering women between reality and ambition)

Scientific Symposium Under the patronage of the esteemed President of Karbala University, and with the support of the Deanship of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, the Women Empowerment…

The Department of Life Sciences holds a training course entitled (Mechanism for new scientific promotions and publication in sober journals with an impact factor)

Training course The Department of Biology Sciences at the College of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Karbala held a training course entitled (Mechanism of new scientific promotions…

The Department of Life Sciences holds a training course entitled (Mechanism for new scientific promotions and publication in sober journals with an impact factor)

Students of the College of Education for Pure Sciences organize an acquaintance party at the hall of the late Professor Hussein Ali Abdul Latif

acquaintance party The students of the Department of Biology Sciences held the second phase of the morning study with an acquaintance and communication ceremony in the hall of the Department…

The Department of Chemistry presents a seminar entitled (Removing dyes from aqueous solutions using TIO2 as a photocatalyst)

Scientific Symposium The Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences held a seminar entitled (Removing dyes from aqueous solutions by using Tio2 as a photocatalyst), which…

A teacher from the College of Education for Pure Sciences participates in the discussion committee for a master’s thesis at the University of Kufa

Master thesis discussion shared Prof.Dr.Ashwaq Kathem Obaid a lecturer in the Department of Biology Sciences at the College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Karbala, in the committee…

Announcement … … a training course on methods of injecting and withdrawing blood from laboratory animals

Training course The College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the holding of a training course tagged (Methods of injecting and drawing blood from laboratory animals), on next Monday, 1/2/2021…

The College of Education for Pure Sciences organizes a training course entitled (Cumulative effect of pesticides on human health)

Training course The Department of Biology Sciences at the College of Education for Pure Sciences held a training course entitled (The cumulative effect of pesticides on human health), which was…