The Department of Chemistry Discusses a Master’s Thesis on the Relationship between Lead Poisoning and Chronic Kidney Disease for a Sample of the Population of Iraq

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis

The Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences discussed the master’s thesis for the student (Kholoud Muhammad Darwish) under the supervision of (Asst. Prof. Dr. Sajid Hassan Kazar) and the second supervisor (Asst. Prof. Dr. Shaima Zahraw Nada), (may God have mercy on her), for her tagged thesis entitled (Relationship between lead poisoning and chronic kidney disease for a sample of the Iraqi population). The aim of the study was:

1. Estimation of lead levels in the blood of chronic kidney patients and their comparison with the control group.
2. Evaluation of the relationship between blood lead levels and oxidative stress in patients with chronic kidney disease.
3. Evaluation of the role of selenium as an antioxidant by estimating the level of selenium in the blood of chronic kidney patients and comparing it with the control group.
4. Study of the correlation between blood lead levels, creatinine, urea, glomerular filtration rate, oxidants, and antioxidants.
* The most important conclusions:
1. Decreased glomerular filtration rate in chronic kidney patients, especially in people who have high levels of lead in the blood.
2. High levels of lead in the blood lead to a decrease in antioxidants and an increase in oxidative substances in chronic kidney patients, so it is involved in the development of the chronic condition.
3. Increased levels of lead in the blood are a major risk factor for CKD and may be clinically meaningful.
4. High levels of lead and low blood levels of selenium in chronic kidney patients are related to oxidative stress through decreased levels of antioxidants and increased levels of MDA, the final product.

After extensive scientific discussion and listening to the student’s defense of her thesis, her research method, and her use of sources and references, the thesis was approved with honors. Congratulations to the student, her supervisors, the Department of Chemistry, and the College of Education for Pure Sciences for this great achievement, and God Almighty grants success.