The Quality Assurance Division at the College Holds an in- Presence Workshop Entitled (Assessment of the Performance of Lecturers) in the Departments of Mathematics and Physics


The Quality Assurance Division at the College of Education for Pure Sciences held a workshop entitled (Assessing the performance of lecturers) in the Departments of Mathematics and Physics, on Monday 10/10/2022 in the presence of the respected Dean of the College (Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan Salman), in which the Assistant Professor lectured Dr. (Riyad Delfi Ali) Director of the Quality Assurance Division, Dr. (Quaid Thaban Yousef) is responsible for the laboratory quality accreditation unit in the college, and the teaching staff (Lect. Shaima Abdul-Hussein Kazem) is responsible for the performance evaluation unit in the college.
The lecturers touched on the performance evaluation form for lecturers for the academic year 2021-2022 and how to organize the educational file according to the three main axes and explain the five paragraphs in each axis. The fourth axis of scientific strengths and its five paragraphs and the fifth photographer related to the deduction of grades were also addressed.