The Department of Biology Discusses a Master’s Thesis on the Effect of Foliar Spraying with Nano-potassium on Some Morphological, Physiological and Anatomical Traits
The Department of Biology Discusses a Master’s Thesis on the Effect of Foliar Spraying with Nano-potassium on Some Morphological, Physiological and Anatomical Traits
The Department of Biology at the College of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala discussed a master’s thesis entitled (The Effect of Foliar Spraying with Nano Potassium on Some Morphological, Physiological and Anatomical Characteristics of the Broad Bean Plant (Vicia faba L) Exposed to Salt Stress). For the student (Ala Muhammad Nouri), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. (Qais Hussein Al-Samak). The thesis aimed to investigate the effect of salt stress on some morphological, physiological, biochemical and anatomical characteristics of the broad bean plant. The effect of spraying with nano potassium fertilizer in improving the growth of the broad bean plant. And studying the effect of the interaction between soil salinity and spraying with secondary potassium fertilizer on morphological characteristics, enzyme activities, and the content of nutrients in broad bean and some anatomical characteristics. The thesis also concluded that increasing the salinity levels of irrigation water led to a decrease in the phenotypic characteristics of the fava bean plant, including plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, number of flowers, number of branches, number of seeds and their fresh weight, pod weight and leaf area, and physiological characteristics including chlorophyll content, relative water content and relative growth. The study recommended the possibility of using saline irrigation water within certain limits to irrigate some plants to address the scarcity of water suitable for irrigation, by spraying plants with nutrients, especially secondary potassium to increase their tolerance to saline conditions. And spraying with secondary potassium and some rare elements at a concentration of (100) mg/L to reduce the effects resulting from irrigation with high concentrations of saline water. The student received an excellent grade.