The Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences publishes a scientific article on the treatment of carbon steel corrosion

scientific article

The Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof.Dr (Hamida Idan Salman), the respected, obtained the acceptance of the publication of a scientific article tagged (Treatment of Carbon Steel Corrosion) by the Committee of Scientific Articles of the University after the article fulfilled all the publishing conditions. The Dean mentioned that the issue of corrosion of carbon steel is one of the important issues in our daily life, as metals such as iron and aluminum are corroded in different forms and cause many problems in factories, and others. Because of the occurrence of oxidation and reduction processes on the surface of the metal, which causes the deterioration of the state of the metal and its transformation into another state, as in the following equation that describes the oxidation and reduction processes of the iron element

(2Fe(s) _____ 2Fe2+(aq) + 4e −        ———-   (1.1  

            (O2 (g) + 2 H2O (l) + 4e_____ 4OH (aq) —–  (1.2 

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