Higher Education Launches a Transfer Portal for the Children of Faculty Members Accepted into the Public Education Channels of the Morning and the Distinguished Ones

Launching the Transfer Portal for Children of Faculty Members

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the launch of the electronic portal for transferring students who are children of faculty members accepted within the two channels of private government education, morning (parallel), and graduates of the distinguished Schools and Baghdad College who are studying in the English language for the academic year 2023/2024.
Students accepted outside their governorate of residence may transfer to corresponding studies in colleges and institutes in their governorate of residence, provided that the difference in their average over the minimum for admission to the college/department to which they wish to transfer does not exceed five grades.
The Department of Studies, Planning and Follow-up clarifies that the activation of the examination numbers for those included among the children of faculty members who hold higher degrees and hold master’s and doctorate degrees within the permanent staff of public universities and the Colleges of Imam al-Kadhim (peace be upon him) and the College of the Great Imam (may God have mercy on him) is done electronically through the entity to which the teacher is affiliated. Through the studies portal (www.dirasat-gate.org), the examination numbers will be activated for those included among the children of teaching staff members within the staff of the Ministry’s headquarters and private universities and those with higher degrees (doctorates only) who are employees of the Ministry of Science and Technology through reviewing the Ministry, bringing with them the required and incoming documents. In Clause (H-6) of the Guide to Student Affairs Procedures and Admission Controls and Conditions for the Academic Year 2023/2024.
Applications will continue until the end of official working hours on Sunday, 11/19/2023.