The Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs Publishes a Research on Evaluating the Science Teacher Preparation Program in the College of Education for Pure Sciences in Light of the CAEP Standards from the Faculty’s Point of View

Publishing Scientific Research

The Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs (Pror. Malik Mutlaq Takhit) published a scientific research entitled (Evaluation of the science teacher preparation program in the College of Education for Pure Sciences in light of the CAEP standards from the point of view of the teaching staff), in the Journal of the College of Basic Education for Educational and Human Sciences / University Babylon.
The research was summarized in evaluating the science teacher preparation program in the College of Education for Pure Sciences in light of the CAEP standards from the point of view of the teaching staff at the University of Karbala. The research community consisted of all faculty members in the college for the academic year (2021-2022), who numbered (145) teaching staff, and the researcher took a purposive sample of (91) teaching staff, who constituted (62.75%) of the research population. In order to achieve the research objectives, the researcher used the descriptive approach, and a scale was built according to the (5) CAEP standards, and the number of its indicators reached (68), and the standards are (educational content and knowledge – professional partnership and field training – student selection and employment – impact The program achieves its goals – ensuring the quality of the program and continuous development).
The scale was applied to a sample of (91) male and female teachers from the College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Karbala, and the results showed that the arithmetic averages for the (CAEP) standards amounted to (1.88), which is a weak estimate according to the faculty’s point of view. In addition, the results revealed that the standard Partnership and field training ranked first, with the highest arithmetic mean of (1.97), a standard deviation of (0.815), and a percentage weight of (62.85%), while the criterion of the program’s effectiveness in achieving its goals came in second place, as its arithmetic mean reached (1.89) and a standard deviation of (0.820). ) and a percentage weight of (61.89%). The standard of quality of student selection came in third place with an arithmetic mean of (1.88), a standard deviation of (0.819), and a percentage weight of (61.77%), while the standard of content and educational knowledge came in fourth place with an arithmetic mean of (1.87) and a standard deviation of ( 0.82) and a percentage weight (61.77%). As for the college quality standard and continuous development, it came in last place with an arithmetic mean (1.86), a standard deviation (0.822), and a percentage weight (61.87%).
We wish him more creativity and progress in the fields of research he is interested in serving our beloved Iraq, and may God Almighty grant him success.