The College of Education for Pure Sciences Announces the Launch of the First Course Exams for First-Stage Students for the Academic Year 2022-2023

The First Course Exams for First-Stage Students

Under the direct supervision and follow-up of the respected Ms. Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Dr. (Hamida Aidan Salman). Examinations for the first course for first-stage students for the academic year 2022-2023 have begun. This will be on Sunday 2/19/2023 in all scientific departments (life sciences _ chemistry _ mathematics _ physics). Where the Dean assured that all supplies and requirements would be provided and full compliance with the directives and instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research by providing the appropriate examination atmosphere for our dear students. In conclusion, the Brigadier General wished them success in performing their exams, and God Almighty grants success and payment.