College of Education for Pure Sciences Announces the Launch of the Electronic Form to Obtain Approval and a Graduation Document

Launching the Application Form for Approval or a Graduation Document

The Registration and Student Affairs Division in the Deanship of the College of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala has launched an electronic window for college students for morning and evening undergraduate studies, which receives applications from those wishing to issue graduation documents and approvals (with or without grades).
The attached form contains information that those wishing to obtain approval or a graduation document (with or without grades) can fill out, which the student must fill out accurately, while the applicant for approval or a graduation document will, after announcing his name on the website of the College of Education for Pure Sciences through the (completed documents) window, attend to review the Accounts Division in the Deanship of the College to pay the amount of the document or approval via an electronic payment card exclusively, and then the applicant submits the receipt for the amount to the Registration Division to receive the document.
This step, which was initiated by the Deanship of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, represented by its respected Dean, Professor Dr. (Hamida Eidan Salman), comes in implementation of the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research towards digital transformation and reducing paper routine, and in response to the desire of the college’s graduate students and to facilitate the procedures for obtaining their documents and reduce the trouble of attending more than once and using electronic means to obtain documents and endorsements.
Form link:
Graduation document or endorsement request form

College of Education for Pure Sciences Announces the Launch of the Electronic Form to Obtain Approval and a Graduation Document

Launching the Application Form for Approval or a Graduation Document

The Registration and Student Affairs Division in the Deanship of the College of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Kerbala has launched an electronic window for college students for morning and evening undergraduate studies, which receives applications from those wishing to issue graduation documents and approvals (with or without grades).
The attached form contains information that those wishing to obtain approval or a graduation document (with or without grades) can fill out, which the student must fill out accurately, while the applicant for approval or a graduation document will, after announcing his name on the website of the College of Education for Pure Sciences through the (completed documents) window, attend to review the Accounts Division in the Deanship of the College to pay the amount of the document or approval via an electronic payment card exclusively, and then the applicant submits the receipt for the amount to the Registration Division to receive the document.
This step, which was initiated by the Deanship of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, represented by its respected Dean, Professor Dr. (Hamida Eidan Salman), comes in implementation of the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research towards digital transformation and reducing paper routine, and in response to the desire of the college’s graduate students and to facilitate the procedures for obtaining their documents and reduce the trouble of attending more than once and using electronic means to obtain documents and endorsements.
Form link:
Graduation document or endorsement request form