A lecturer from the Department of Life Sciences Participates as a Member in the Committee Discussing a Doctoral Thesis in the College of Education for Girls at the University of Kufa

Discussion of a Doctoral Thesis

The lecturer from the Department of Life Sciences (Asst. Prof. Yaroub Mudhar Jawad) participated as a member in the committee discussing the doctoral thesis of the student (Laheeb Sadiq Mahdi) from the Department of Life Sciences at the College of Education for Girls at the University of Kufa about her thesis entitled (Testing the Effectiveness of Some Elements of Integrated Management in Some Aspects of the Life Performance of the House Fly.
After extensive scientific discussion and listening to the student’s defense of her thesis, her research method, and her use of sources and references, the thesis was approved with distinction. Congratulations to the student, to her supervisor, and to the Department of Life Sciences in the College of Education for Girls at the University of Kufa for this great achievement and for further creativity in the service of great Iraq, and from God Almighty, success and payment.