The Department of Biology Discusses a Master’s Thesis on a Survey Study of the Plants of some Districts of the Holy Districts of Karbala in Iraq

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis

The Department of biology at the College of Education for Pure Sciences discussed the master’s thesis for the student (Huda Abdul-Aali Sahib Al-Asadi) under the supervision of (Prof. Dr. Nepal Umtair Trad) about her thesis entitled (Survey study of the plants of some districts of the holy districts of Karbala in Iraq). Where the study dealt with a comprehensive survey of fern, bare-seeded and covered-seeded plants of dicotyledons and monocotyledons growing in the wild during the year 2021-2022 in some districts and districts of the holy Karbala, namely the district of the Markaz, Al-Hurr, Al-Hussainiya, Al-Jawwal Al-Gharbi, Al-Hindi and Al-Khayrat district, and 349 species were found belonging to 223 genera of L. 63) families, and the types of dicotyledons amounted to 285 species belonging to 52 families, and the types of monocotyledons reached 61 species belonging to 9 families and were classified scientifically and mentioned their local and common names. The letter came out with several recommendations, including:
1- Protecting biodiversity in the districts of Karbala in particular and Iraq in general, achieving permanent benefits from wild plant species, and adhering to the Convention for the Protection of Biological Diversity in Iraq.
2- Environmental awareness of the benefits and harms of wild plants, especially poisonous and harmful ones, and their study in Iraq.
After the extensive scientific discussion and listening to the student’s defense of her thesis, the method of her research and her use of sources and references, the thesis was approved with honors. Congratulations to the student, her supervisor, and the College of Education for Pure Sciences for this scientific achievement, and God Almighty grants success and payment.