A Lecturer from the Department of Biology Participates as a Member of the Discussion Committee for a Master’s Thesis at the University of Baghdad

Discussion of a Master’s Thesis

Prof. Dr. Yaroub Mudar Jawad, a education assistant in the Department of biology, participated in the discussion committee of the master’s thesis for student (Mustafa Ahmed Abboud) from the Department of biology / College of Science / University of Baghdad about his thesis entitled (Toxoplasmosis potential impact on the levels of interleukin 6 and nitric oxide in hemodialysis patients). The discussion committee consisted of:

(Dr. Abdul Hassan Bragg (a president

(Dr. Harith Saeed Jaafar (a member

(Dr. Yaroub Mudar Jawad (a supervisor

(Dr. Intisar Jabbar (a membe and a supervisor

After extensive public discussion and listening to the student’s defense of his thesis, his research method, and his use of scientific references, the thesis was approved with a grade of distinction. Congratulations to the student, his supervisor, and the College of Science at the University of Baghdad for this scientific achievement, and God Almighty grants success and payment.