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A Lecturer from the Department of Chemistry Publishes a Scientific Article on Free Radicals in the Body and Antioxidants

Scientific Article

The education staff in the College of Education for Pure Sciences/Department of Chemistry, Assistant Professor Dr. (Rehab Jassem Muhammad) has accepted the publication of a scientific article tagged with the title (Free Radicals in the Body and Antioxidants) by the Scientific Articles Committee at the Presidency of Karbala University after the article fulfilled all publication conditions. (Prof. Rehab Jassim Muhammad) mentioned that free radicals in general are a molecule or atom that carries one single electron in its outer shell and is unstable as it seeks stability, and free radicals are present in the human body in a certain proportion and when they exceed the limit Naturally, it becomes dangerous, leading to cell damage, and it also leads to many diseases such as heart disease, cancer and other dangerous diseases. Free radicals are generated in the human body by several sources, including endogenous and exogenous sources, and there are several mechanisms for the manufacture or generation of free radicals inside the body, where the manufacture or generation of free radicals occurs in cells as a result of enzymatic and other non-enzymatic reactions during natural digestion or metabolic processes. In the process of the respiratory chain or the electron transport chain that occurs inside the cell in the cell’s mitochondria, where 90% of the cell’s oxygen is consumed in this process, i.e. the process of the electron transport chain, which is a source of energy during the oxidation of some compounds or the re-oxidation of some important compounds NADH and FADH and during this process O2 related free radicals are synthesized and these radicals are: Per hydro, OH. hydroxyl,O2. Super oxide, H2O2. Peroxide, RO. Alkoxyl, and this process is considered to be the manufacture of endogenous free radicals, during which oxygen is converted to water vapor, which is the electron transport chain. Alien that enters the body and generates free radicals, as well as reactions related to the copper ion and the rest of the heavy elements or heavy metals such as silver and iron, such as the Fenton reaction, which is a good source of free radicals.

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