General Frameworks Committee for Conferences Holds a Meeting Chaired by the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs

Meeting of the General Frameworks Committee for Conference

The General Frameworks Committee for Conferences, headed by the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs at the College of Education for Pure Sciences (A. Amjad Hamid Al-Husseini) met to discuss the general frameworks of the Fourth International / Seventh National Scientific Conference, and the Committee deliberated on setting a date for the conference, scientific themes, how to publish and other frameworks for preparing for the conference Next.
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College of Education for Pure Sciences Organizes a Workshop on the Applications of Differential Equations


The Department of Mathematics at the College of Education for Pure Sciences/University of Karbala organized a workshop entitled (Applications of Differential Equations), delivered by (Dr. Muhammad Razzaq Salman), in the Graduate Studies Hall – Department of Mathematics. Where the target group were professors and graduate students in the departments of mathematics, physics and engineering. The workshop was based on several axes, including: the use of partial differential equations in fluid mechanics, basic methods for solving differential equations, and the use of the MATHEMATICA program. The workshop aimed to demonstrate the importance of differential equations in applied and engineering sciences, and the effect of boundary conditions on the radial flow of a pseudo-nanofluid through a porous medium in a non-representative inclined taper channel. The lecturer made it clear that the researcher should be well acquainted with the subject of differential equations and the methods of solving them analytically and numerically using computer programs such as Mathematica, Matlab and others.

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