The College of Education for Pure Sciences Holds a Scientific Symposium Entitled (Drugs…… Dangers Extending from the Individual to Society)

Scientific Symposium The College of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Karbala held a scientific symposium entitled (Drugs….Dangers extending from the individual to society), delivered by the Manager…

Karbala University Chiefship Group Visit the College of Education for Pure Sciences Laboratories of the Scientific Departments

The laboratories of the scientific departments in our college were visited by the Audit Committee from the Presidency of the University, and the committee was welcomed by the respected Dean…

An Academic professor from the College of Education for Pure Sciences Obtains a Publication for her Research in one of the Journals Included in the Scopus Containers.

 Research Publishing Assist. Prof. Dr. Ashwaq Kazwm Obeid, an academic lecturer at the Department of Biology / College of Education for Pure Sciences, got publishing for her research which is…

An academic professor at the College of Education for Pure Sciences Gets Publishing for his Research within Scopus.

Research Publishing Assist. Prof. Dr. Alla Hussein Mahdi, an academic lecturer in the Department of biology/ College of Education for Pure Sciences, got publishing for his research which is entitled…

The Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences is Conducting an Inspection Tour of the College Laboratories to Follow up and Ensure the Quality of the GLP laboratories.

Inspection Tour Under the supervision of the respected Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Prof. Dr. Hamida Idan Salman, who visited our college laboratories to confirm the…

College of Education for Pure Sciences Announces the Date of the Competitive Examination for Postgraduate Applicants/ Year 2021-2022

Very Important Announcement For all Applicants student for postgraduate studies (Masters and Ph.D.) in our college, whose names are listed below for the academic year 2021-2022. We would like to…

College of Education for Pure Sciences’ Council Holds its Tenth Session Headed by the Dean of the College

Meeting of the College of Education for Pure Sciences Council On Tuesday, 8/6/2021, the meeting of the Council of the College of Education for Pure Sciences (10th session) was held…

The Department of Chemistry Holds an Electronic Discussion Entitled (Manufacture of Nano-Layers and Methods it’s Using)

Training Course The Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences held an electronic training course entitled (Using the ATR-FTIR Device), delivered by Asst. Lect. Osama Hamid…

The Department of Chemistry holds an electronic discussion entitled (Manufacture of Nano-layers and methods it’s using)

Panel Discussion The Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences held an electronic panel discussion entitled (Manufacture of Nano-layers and methods of their use), which was…

Announcement………a Scientific Symposium Entitled (Drugs…..Risks Extending from the Individual to the Society)

A Scientific Symposium College of Education for Pure Sciences declares on holding a scientific seminar entitled (Drugs…Dangers extending from the individual to the community), on Monday 14/6/2021 at  10  AM,…