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Ministry of Higher Education Announces the Results of Accepting the Distinguished Channel of the Diploma Holders

Announcing the Results of Accepting the Distinguished Channel of the Technical Diploma Holders

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the results of accepting employees within the distinguished channel for the academic year 2022/2021. The number of accepted students nominated by state institutions in this category on the public channel and the medical staff reached two hundred and seventy-six accepted students from the technical diploma holders in the morning study in universities and government colleges, while the acceptance of twenty-nine students with martyrs’ families was announced within the distinguished channel, candidates for admission to the corresponding colleges. . The results of accepting distinguished students within the channels of the public, medical staff and families of martyrs can be found on the official website of the ministry.

The results of accepting the distinguished within the channels of the public and medical staff: 

The results of accepting the distinguished within the channel of the martyrs’ families: 


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