The Department of Biology Sciences discusses a master’s thesis entitled (A phenotypic study of some types of order Calanoida Crustacea: Copepoda from the central region of Iraq)

Master thesis discussion The Department of Biology Sciences College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Karbala, discussed a master’s thesis tagged (a phenotypic study of some types of…

Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs in the College of Education for Pure Sciences, chairs the meeting of the inventory committee in the college

The annual inventory committee meeting The meeting of the inventory committee was held at the College of Education for Pure Sciences headed by Prof. Amjad Al-Husseini, Assistant Dean for Administrative…

The College of Education for Pure Sciences announces the application date for evening studies for the 2020-2021 academic year

Very important announcement Based on the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the central directives issued by the Presidency of Karbala University The College of…