The Library of the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences contains several scientific books belonging to the special sections of the Faculty of Education (Mathematics – Chemistry – Life Sciences) which are required by the student in his studies and research. The Deanship also seeks to develop the library and its concentration with a large collection of modern scientific books, the correct.
Life Science Books
The library of the college has about (172) modern books related to the various sciences of the life sciences department such as anatomy sciences, plant physiology, microbiology, etc. which the student can use in his studies and research.
The library of the college has about (177) modern books related to the different sciences of the chemistry department such as life chemistry, clinical chemistry … etc, which the student can use in his research and study.
The library of the college has about (177) modern books related to the different sciences of the mathematics department, which the student can benefit from in his research and study.